
About Immunizations

Immunizations are one of the greatest public health achievements, preventing tens of thousands of deaths, millions of cases of disease, and saving billions of dollars per decade. Immunizations are a safe, effective way to protect children from disease, including some cancers, as well as hospitalization, disability, and death. It is especially important to maintain routine immunizations to prevent a disease outbreak, public health emergency or future pandemic.

Immunization Resources

WV Immunization
Network Toolkits

WV Immunization
Network HPV

CDC Vaccine

AAP Immunization

Healthy Children

DHHR Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccines

West Virginians ages 6 months and older are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination (and those ages 6 months and older who are due for an annual flu shot can get COVID-19 and flu shots at the same time).

Many locations have COVID-19 vaccines readily available. 

  • Contact a healthcare provider, health department, community health center, or a local pharmacy
  • Call the WV COVID-19 Vaccine Info Line at 1-833-734-0965. You can also call this line for vaccination arrangements for someone who is homebound.

Additional Resources